What Is Marketing Really?
June 13th, 2019 by Diane Conklin under Uncategorized. No Comments.
Marketing sometimes gets a bad rap…
People will say things like “it’s yucky” or “it makes me feel dirty” and the list goes on and on.
If that’s true for you, then what you’re experiencing is Not Marketing – at least not marketing done the way it should be.

Marketing can be defined in many ways. Simply put, it’s really everything you do in your business to put yourself in a situation to sell your programs, products and services.
While that may seem like a big, broad definition, if you think about it, it may be the truest definition of marketing you’ve ever heard.
So, what does that really mean?
It means that marketing is about building the relationship with your
prospect and your client so they will want to know more about you and what you
do and then buy from you.
By that definition what does marketing include… √ Social Media √ Articles
√ Emails √ Interviews
√ Snail Mail √ Speaking
√ Print Ads √ Ads
And, so much more…
If you put you in your marketing and stop thinking about it as some formula you have to follow or how you can use the latest tactic to get a sale, you may just discover that marketing is fun.
Marketing is how you let your clients and prospects get to know you a little better, it’s how you ultimately SERVE your clients and how you make money.
Do some people use tactics that might not resonate with you? Sure, they do. We’ve all had less than stellar experiences with people marketing to us or trying to sell us something that didn’t sit right with us.
The key for you is to not do those same things…to be more personal, caring and to come from a place of serving and doing what’s right for your clients and prospects (please don’t think I’m saying here that the client is always right – I don’t believe that, but that’s a discussion for another day).
I’d love to hear your feedback or stories of great marketing…